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Residential Cleaning

Nana approved, budget friendly, cleaning services!


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25% OFF First Month!!!!!

*Offer valid for 1st month of membership, 6 month membership minimum

Residential Cleaning Services

Our Residential Cleaning services are made up of the finest cleaning personnel who take pride in their work, and have been trained directly by the owners of the company. 

At Sutton Equity, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional care and attention to our clients, ensuring their homes are not just clean, but truly revitalized. Our dedicated cleaning crews specialize in a wide range of services tailored to meet your needs, from routine apartment cleaning to thorough deep cleans for move-in or move-out situations. Whether you're in need of a one-time refresh or seeking regular cleaning services, we've got you covered.

Our comprehensive offerings include everything from kitchen and bathroom cleaning to meticulous bedroom and linens care. We even provide laundry services to lighten your load. With a keen focus on detail, our teams tackle every task with precision, from vacuuming and dusting to floor and window cleaning. For those tough-to-tackle areas, we offer specialized services such as carpet, upholstery, and tile and grout cleaning. Plus, in today's world, disinfection is paramount, and we take extra care to ensure your home is thoroughly sanitized and safe. Experience the difference of Sutton Equity – where cleanliness meets care, and your satisfaction is our top priority.

Choose from one of the membership plans below

Platinum Home Members Gold Home Membership

Save Time

Save Money

Stay clean

Friendly Support

How it works

We are here to simplify your life and schedule. Our membership plans offer 2 - 4 times per week cleaning, and the same day and time slot. With our hassle-free subscription service, our cleaning crew will show up and take care of the dirty work. Just click below, choose your membership plan, and voila - enjoy your home once again!

The easy way to start

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